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5 Simple Benefits of Moving to Brooklyn

Moving to Brooklyn

5 Simple Benefits of Moving to Brooklyn

Why Moving to Brooklyn is a Great Choice

Do you want to live in the Big Apple but don’t want to live in Manhattan? Well, what about moving to Brooklyn?

Living in New York City is very often a choice people make due to its close proximity to their employment or for the sheer thrill of city life. However, New York City does not have to mean living in Manhattan. New York City is comprised of 5 boroughs, and very often, Manhattan may not be the best choice for you or your family. Moving to Brooklyn, though, will allow you to be in New York City, close to your job, while still enjoy certain benefits of living that Manhattan can not offer.

So, whether you’re going to be moving to Brooklyn and are now on a house hunt, or you are just starting to look at different locations and cities to move to… Here’s a great guide of benefits of Moving to Brooklyn, one of New York City’s greatest boroughs.

Moving to Brooklyn

5 Reasons for Moving to Brooklyn

  1. 1. Anyone Is Welcome:
    Brooklyn embodies diversity. This borough of New York has absolutely no stereotype. Actually, the classic Brooklynite can really be pretty much anyone; hence, it can be you or anyone in your family. This is largely due to the fact that Brooklyn is a great combination of excitement and vibrancy as well as peaceful, family oriented living. This unique culture makes it an ideal place for both young entrepreneurs as well as families. Young professionals will be close to great employment and business opportunities. They’ll also be able to enjoy the thrill of city living combined with just the right amount of quiet in order for them to wind down at the end of the day. Families can enjoy the variety of parks to play and relax in. Also, the wide sidewalks make it easy to take walks with children and strollers. In addition, the strong sense of community life and the wide variety of family oriented activities make it ideal for family life. The Prospect Park Zoo and the Brooklyn Children’s Museum are just some of the great activities for families with children to enjoy in Brooklyn.

  2. 2. Budget Friendly:
    While Manhattan living is prohibitivley expensive, Brooklyn living is a lot more affordable. Rent in Brooklyn is much less expensive than Manhattan rent, making moving to Brooklyn a lot more doable for both families and young professionals. Additionally, entertainment is also a lot cheaper than in Manhattan. In addition, there are many local businesses in Brooklyn and in order for them to ensure consistent business and patronage, they compete with each other with reasonable prices. This makes day to day living very affordable. So, although living in Brooklyn is in no way cheap, it is definitely budget friendly.

  3. 3. Strong Community Life:
    Brooklyn is unique in New York City for its exceedingly strong sense of community life. Shortly after moving to Brooklyn, you’ll be introduced to your neighbors and get to know all the locals well. You’ll become friends with all the neighborhood residents, business owners and fellow shoppers. Being that Brooklyn is extremely diverse, its culture is very friendly, accepting new comers with open arms and therefore conducive to making new friends easily.

  4. 4. Versatile Transportation:
    Before moving to Brooklyn, it’s important to realize that having a car is feasible but not at all necessary. There are various available modes of transportation other than driving your own vehicle. Firstly, since everything is in such close proximity and every street has a wide walking sidewalk, walking to get places is very efficient. In addition, the subway system is very accessible and convenient, which is why many locals use it as a means of transportation. Also, car sharing businesses, such as Zipcar, are available and local Brooklyners find them much more convinient and economical than owning a car. With all that being said, if you wish, owning a car in Brooklyn is very possible. It’s a lot more practical than in Manhattan. There is a lot more street space to park on than in Manhattan. In addition, many homes have driveways to park cars in. So owning a car is feasible, as many local Brooklyn residents do, but not necessary in the least.

  5. 5. A Sort-Of Suburb to Manhattan:
    If I haven’t convinsed you yet, I think this will be the clincher; you’ll be moving to Brooklyn… Just kidding 🙂 But, for real, compared to Manhattan, Brooklyn has suburb-like space. There are many parks, that are often not crowded, to air out in. Plenty of space for biking, playing ball, climbing etc. In addition, many homes have small backyards and some even have a tree. This is a great space for children to play in or for adults to relax in and enjoy some of their own outdoor space.

Moving to Brooklyn is a Perfect Combination

If you’re thinking about moving to Brooklyn, or if you’ve already decided to do so, know that it’s a great choice. Brooklyn is a perfect combination of New York City living with just the right amount of peaceful relaxation. This makes moving to Brooklyn a great option for both families and young entrepreneurs and professionals.

Moving to Brooklyn

Anyway, once you’ve come to the final decision about moving to Brooklyn, be sure to book reliable Brooklyn movers, like Reputable Moving, right away. Looking forward to taking the stress out of your move, as we always do.

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